Enhance the radiance of your face by redefining your contours naturally.
Who doesn’t suffer from sagging skin?
Our fat begins to melt and the oval of the face distends over time. Its edges are less identified and end in the jowls.
Forget the miraculous creams that will only have an effect if we prepare the ground correctly.
Enhance the radiance of your face by redefining your contours naturally.
Who doesn’t suffer from sagging skin?
Our fat begins to melt and the oval of the face distends over time. Its edges are less identified and end in the jowls.
Forget the miraculous creams that will only have an effect if we prepare the ground correctly.
Chan❜beauté offers many super effective facial massages to truly treat multiple visible imperfections.
Therefore, before succumbing to the temptation to resort to invasive procedures, let’s redraw the harmonious contours of the face by learning the delicate gestures only possible with the help of real multireflex tools.
Work on the jawline, neck, fine lines and wrinkles and of course the oval of the face, are the potentials of this «Natural Facial Lift» kit.
To obtain an immediate tensor result (yang effect) and a well-sculpted outline, we will also have to take care of the wrinkles. Our skin will then be fresher (yin effect) and we will finally express our internal youth (yang effect).
Because a beautiful face is above all healthy skin; restore inner balance by naturally shaping the outer.
For more benefits, the routine must be daily and a few minutes before the application of a cosmetic (optional) and at the first signs of epidermal relaxation.
Contrary to what marketing wants us believe, firming products have no ability to fight against the force of gravity. Only the mechanical and delicate work of balanced massages (yang then yin effects) can reinvigorate the skin tissue.
It’s just common sense!
Ointments and other serums will be more effective if we have first boosted the exchanges between the 3 layers of the skin.
The effectiveness of the multireflex tools makes it possible to invigorate the blood and lymphatic microcirculation in a subtle way. We then take maximum advantage of the active ingredients of the product.
In addition, deep nutrients rise from the hypodermis to the epidermis, nourishing the dermis.
To try is to hallucinate!
In just seven days, you will understand why the industry prefers to sell you magic creams that (coincidentally) are renewed every 6 months...
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Payment is made through the secure PayPal gateway and you do not need to open an account. Your credit card data is not shared with the merchant.
By making this payment, you agree to the terms and conditions of DienChanMultireflex®. All rights reserved.
For use on the face or body with both yin and yang effects, this tool is very useful for treating inflammation of small joints.
Its smooth sphere can be used for eye treatments.
This is the essential Chan’beauté tool for giving a toning massage at any time. Ideal for combating skin blemishes and fatigue.
Star of the dressing table, this instrument is now available made of bamboo or horn and is called «Ovée de beauté» in French or Ova Bar.
Boost your skin capable of naturally producing hyaluronic acid and collagen which quickly replenishes fine lines and wrinkles.
The Ova bar prepares and firms the skin and restores its elasticity for lasting results.
Unveil the secrets of Chan❜beauté with the «Antiwrinkle» eBook.
Because the face is the mirror of the soul and reflects our inner balance, we invite you to discover the insights of this natural beauty and holistic well-being method that revolutionises the approach to skincare.
Push the boundaries of your aesthetic approach and reveal the inner youthfulness of your face.
📌If the delivery geographical zone does not correspond to your address, we will ask you to pay the difference in order to be able to send you your parcel.
Payment is made through the secure PayPal gateway and you do not need to open an account. Your credit card data is not shared with the merchant.
By making this payment, you agree to the terms and conditions of DienChanMultireflex®. All rights reserved.
It is by dialoguing with our patient or by asking us the right questions that we develop a diagnosis. This non-medical evaluation outlines the plan of care.
It may sound complex, but it is not complicated!
We propose a complete and free file to highlight all the theoretical and practical notions with the help of examples and the Faceasit’clinic application.
This amazing app rewarded by the «Reflexology Innovation Award 2018» by the Reflexology Association of Canada, has become an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to personalize their facial reflexology care.
That is to say: go beyond simple established protocols, but adapt them to everyone.
We aim to offer everyone an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the professional therapist as for the beginner who wants to hold the reins of his health in a natural way.
In this beautiful file, you will discover how to organize your therapeutic work and define a procedure of care. The best way to build
Evaluate + Locate + Treat:
• How does Dien Chan synthesize a lot of information?
• How to translate this information into a concrete treatment?
• Know how to decipher the patient’s story to find out if we are facing a disorder expressed in yin or yang way.
• The different levels of care protocol and learn how to choose the most appropriate instruments for the situation.
• Understand the yin and yang effects of multireflex tools to restore energy balance quickly.
You can access the complete file through this link plan.Faceasit.com.
Good reading! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: contact@multireflexology.com.
Delivering multireflex tools worldwide since 2002, we are the official supplier of the International School of Multireflexology - Dien Chan.
Concerned about the environment, we practice circular economy and craft each tool with noble and natural materials, avoiding the polluting effects of synthetic substances.
We chose the mimosa wood and the horn recovered from traditional agriculture to avoid animals being injured or raised for this purpose.
We prefer genuine horn, as it has used done throughout history, for its antiseptic properties and its high therapeutic frequency.
Instruments of elegance and precision, multireflex tools meet professional needs and enrich your daily beauty practice while taking care of your health.
The complete catalog of multireflex tools is available at DienShop.com.
Since 2002, we have been working on the disclosure and teaching of the original method of facial reflexology also known as «Multireflexology - Dien Chan».
Our years of collaboration with experienced therapists from Vietnam, our great experience, our publications in several languages (the ABC of Dien Chan, Edt Grancher, Paris) and the interactive application (Faceasit Awards to Innovation in Reflexology 2018) are the guarantee of a serious training.
We firmly believe that information is not a commodity and our teaching talent is at the service of passionate students.
🌿 We are thus actively involved in protecting the environment by reducing the abuse of drugs with dangerous side effects for the body and the planet.
👍 Train with experts!
▸ Check the course calendar to choose your city and your training dates at courses.multireflexology.com.
▸ Subscribe to the Dien Chan newsletter: news.multireflexology.com
Email: contact@multireflexology.com
Tél.: +33 (0)767 880 190 [France] or +34 636 355 156 [Barcelona]
Official site of the school: www.multireflexology.com
Much more pointers and info at www.multireflex.com