The Thin detector - Smooth sphere
The fine, rounded detector is used to stimulate the
bqc ·points (set points) on the face without damaging the skin and the Smooth sphere allows gentle massages of the reflex zones.
1·: More info at outils.DienChan.pro/en/101 -
Therapeutic functions
Using the Fine detector you can check the sensitivity of specific areas (pain means there is an imbalance) and then exert a constant pressure for up to 30 seconds on the most painful point. Be careful not to use too much pressure (so as not to damage the skin), however it must be firm enough to be able to distinguish the sensitivity of the
bqc ·point and any pain caused by the pressure.As an example: To treat tension in the trapezius muscle (the large muscle extending across the back of the shoulders), stimulate both of the
bqc ·points 34·, located at the inner edge of each eyebrow, with the Fine detector. If it is very painful, use the Smooth sphere, which is very versatile in treatments as well as relaxing, to massage the area for one or two minutes. -
Empower your treatment
The fine detector is used to stimulate the
bqc ·points in treatment formulas. We can use the detector to treat and to check the sensitivity of specific areas, which allows us to determine the origin of the imbalance.In the event of hypersensitivity to the detector, we recommend use of the smooth sphere. It is also used to treat structural pain, giving a gentle massage on the reflexology map situated on the scalp.
We use the smooth sphere as a precise massage tool to relieve tension in specific areas, like the trapezius muscle.
Chan❜beauté secret
The Smooth sphere can be used for the Reflex-drainage protocol (also known as the 6 Zones massage➀) which reduces edema and opens the lymphatic system to release toxins and waste for elimination by the body.
To find
bqc ·points correctly➁, we recommend that you practice on your own face using a mirror.
We also recommend that you participate in one of our many training courses, offered world wide➂, where under the supervision of a qualified teacher you will learn Multireflexology - Dien Chan and Chan’beauté and have the opportunity to experience practical applications with clients.① Go to 6zones.multireflex.com for the complete Reflex-drainage protocol.② For more information onbqc ·points use the App Faceasit (www.faceasit.com).③ For more information on training go to courses.multireflexology.com.
- 19.95$Thin detector - Smooth sphere