• The Yang concave - Smooth yin

    For use on the face or body with both yin and yang effects, this tool is very useful for treating inflammation of small joints.
    Its smooth sphere can be used for eye treatments.

    With a concave yang cylinder at one end and a smooth copper yin ball on the other, this can used on the face or body. It adapts perfectly to the curves of the face and allows stimulation of finger joints, neck muscles and ankle tendons.
    Its smooth yin sphere can be used to give gentle massages to the eyelids and other delicate areas of the face that require cooling to alleviate pain.

    Press the black arrow (+info) to obtain more details about this tool.
  • Therapeutic functions

    Roll the smooth yin sphere for 2 minutes over the suggusted reflexology areas to dissipate heat and relieve tension.
    Roll the concave cylinder for 3 minutes over the affected joints. Its ergonomic design allows it to adapt to the natural shape of jaw reflex area of the face.
    On affected areas, roll for 1 minute, check for improvement and continue stimulating the area for up to 3 minutes. The combination of rolling and bending improves lubrication of the joints, increasing flexibility of the stimulated area.

    If you have a particularly baggy morning with puffy-prone eyes, you will find funny solutions about keeping a spoon in the freezer to reduce swelling.
    It can be very damaging for thin skins! Remember that a frozen metallic object can burn because too much yin becomes yang.
    Much better (and less dangerous) to gently massage the puffiness away with the brass smooth sphere of the multireflex tool nº207. This fresh gesture will increase your abilities to fully enjoy vitamins and nutrients you already have in your blood.
    But this care is not just about temperature because you notice that this multireflex tool is also offering a yang side.
    The concave roller is going to be very valuable to enhance the protocol and ensure that the results are more lasting.

    So, to do it properly, the best is to start with a yang stimulation and then finish with the yin cuddles.
    1| Perfectly adapted to these types of curves, use the concave roller to do about thirty back and forth on each eyebrow.
    Then, gently follow the edge of the zygomatic cutaneous ligament (just above the cheek bone) no less than 10 times with the concave roller.

    2| The yin stage is then much more profitable because all your natural nutrients outcrop now thank to the yang stimulation. Employ the smooth golden sphere on the same paths you did in the first step.
    At least twenty motions to de-puff but also follow the brow bone ten times.

    If you are also fairly stressed —but maybe this is much better in the evening— use the brass sphere on your eyelid.
    Please stop before falling asleep, because it’s too enjoyable!

  • Empower your treatment

    Rolled for 3 minutes on each finger, the concave yang cylinder quickly relieves joint pain. Its ergonomic form fits nicely over the rounded parts of the body.
    In traditional Chinese medicine, the main energy meridians begin or end in the fingers and the toes. This tool allows us to easily reactivate the energy flow of the meridians without a deep knowlege of Chinese medicine techniques.

    For example, to treat disorders of the feet or bladder (reflected on the chin), begin stimulating at the chin and working towards the angle of the mandible on each side. The anatomy of the tool adapts perfectly to all unique jaw sizes.

    The texture of the smooth yin sphere maximizes surface area contact on the skin. For example, to treat eye tension, massage gently around the eye and over the eyelid.

    Tool for use on the face and body with combined yin and yang effects
    Yin stimulation followed by yang stimulation enables more intense treatment.
    Depending on the sensation on the patient’s skin, choose the most pleasant and best adapted end.
    This medium-sized tool can be used on both the face and on parts of the body. It is most practical and pleasant on the hands and feet, the neck and nape, wrists and ankles or groin and breasts.

  • Chan❜beauté secret

    Highly recommended for working on imperfections around the eyes or a double chin.
    Use of the concave cylinder is also effective on the brow, aiding in relaxation and treating drooping eyelids.

    The smooth sphere is works best in unison with the spiked yin roller of tool (nº206). Its cooling properties balance the effects of treatments that cause heat or redness.

    Discover the incredible technique of natural esthetics and holistic wellbeing in the official site of Chan❜beauté.
  • Tool specifications

    Data sheet nº207.
    Size: 15 x 5 x 3 cm | Weight: 55 grs.
    Made of: natural horn, mimosa wood, brass and stainless steel.
    Manufacturing: sustainable handicraft.

    Suggested complementary Tool:

    The Little yin-yang hammer

    multireflex tool nº128

    Highly recommended for stress management, neck tension and migraines, the Little yin~yang hammer is a well rounded tool that offers fast relief.

    For students and beginners it is an alternative tool to detectors for stimulating the bqc·points on the face.

    The tools of Dien Chan

    Eco-friendly, multireflex tools are hand-crafted from natural horns from traditional farming so that no animal suffers or is bred for its antlers.

    Your instruments become authentic jewels of health thanks to the biological properties (antiseptic and antistatic) of the horn which does not disturb the cutaneous microbiota unlike the polluting plastic.
    We also use high-quality materials such as mimosa wood for medium and large handles and premium metals.

    True multireflex tools deliver fast and deep results for both health professionals and natural aesthetics.
    By reactivating the blood and lymphatic microcirculation, we rebalance the energy flow in two complementary ways:
    — The yin effects disperse, refresh and encourage the natural process of hydration.
    — Yang tools allow you to concentrate, tone, heat and dry.
    — Their actions improve the penetration index and reinforce the active ingredients of the products used thereafter.

    Much less expensive than cosmetics📌, multireflex tools are beautiful objects effective and practical in consultation as also to have them on all the time.
    We no longer count testimonies of individuals and professionals conquered in Europe and North America.

    📌 A multireflex tool is for life, while a cream only lasts a month!

    How to take care of your tools

    Instructions on the page:

  • 35,90CHFYang concave - Smooth yin



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➤ Find all the advice from the Dien Chan experts and many protocols at multireflexology.com.
