The Double mini yin roller
This tool can be used on the face and the body. It consists of two rollers with rounded prongs that generate yin effects on the treated area. It is gentle tool, the handle and size of the rollers make it easy to stimulate many reflex areas on the face with light, simple motion.
The double mini yin roller can also be used specifically to treat and stimulate extremities and other areas of the body (neck, knees, wrists, ankles, etc.). -
Therapeutic functions
Roll the tool over the desired area for approximately 4 minutes, be sure not to apply too much pressure to the skin. Use a gentle back-and-forth motion similar to applying makeup. This reactivates microcirculation in the treated area and mobilizes the body fluids. The tool design glides perfectly to the contours of the face and smaller areas of the body.
Empower your treatment
Highly effective for cooling and relaxing the treated area, the double mini yin roller can be used for many disorders.
This yin tool encourages blood and lymph microcirculation.
It promotes joint lubrication by activating body fluids. In cases of pain accompanied by heat, roll for about 3 minutes for relief. It can be used at least once a day. If the sensation is one of cold, use the yang version of the tool, the double mini yang ball (nº307). -
Chan❜beauté secret
In using this tool for beauty treatments, it complements the effects of the double mini yang ball (nº307).
It smooths wrinkles, drains retained liquid and nourishes facial muscles. The combination of the two tools is essential for deep, long-lasting results.
The double mini yin roller is highly recommended for dry skin that has lost its firmness and shows signs of fatigue.
- 30.60£Double mini yin roller