The Big yin-yang hammer
Many disorders and structural pains are a result of insufficient nourishment in the tissue. Yin stimulation (with the suction end) draws the blood and lymph to the surface of the tissue to nourish it. This initial protocol is necessary to accelerate rebalance. It is complemented by tapping with the yang end to distribute body fluids and tone tissue.
Muscular tensions in the lumbar region are easily treated by steadily tapping the painful area with the yin end for 3 minutes.
Gentle yin-yang tapping of the reflex areas of the face and skull is also very useful. Many reflexology diagrams➀ offer treatment areas that include gentle, repeated use.
For example, knee pain is treated on the cheekbones of the affected individual; knees in the Rodin diagram➀.
Overall, the yin-yang hammer helps to activate vital energy without reducing the relaxation achieved by therapeutic work. Using the yin end, complete the tapping treatment 7 times along the spinal column.
As referenced by traditional Chinese medicine, use the yin-yang hammer to unblock and activate the meridians.① The reflexology diagram showing the body on the profile of a face is called the «Rodin diagram» and is available in the App Faceasit at (faceasit.com). -
Therapeutic functions
Tap the affected area steadily for 3 minutes with the yin end, the rubber suction cup. Check the difference and complement by gently tapping for 2 minutes with the rubber tips of the yang end.
Therapeutic work using the yin-yang hammer serves to improve the body’s receptivity and enhance the result of subsequent facial stimulation. -
Empower your treatment
Many disorders and structural pains are due to insufficient nourishment of tissues. Yin stimulation (with the suction end) draws the blood and lymph to the surface of the tissue to nourish it. This initial protocol is necessary to accelerate rebalance. It is complemented by tapping with the yang end to distribute body fluids and tone the tissues.
Muscular tensions in the lumbar region are easily treated by steadily tapping the painful area with the yin end for 3 minutes.
Gentle yin-yang tapping of the reflex areas of the face and skull is also very useful. Many reflexology diagrams➀ propose treatment areas that are suitable for gentle but in-depth percussion.For example, knee pain is treated on the cheekbones of the person affected; knees in the Rodin diagram➀.
In general, the yin-yang hammer helps to activate vital energy without affecting the relaxation achieved by foregoing therapeutic work. Carry out tapping treatment 7 times along the spinal column using the yin end.
With reference to traditional Chinese medicine, use the yin-yang hammer along the meridian you wish to unblock and activate.① Study the diagrams with the Faceasit App. Look for «multireflex» in the AppStore of your iPad. -
Chan❜beauté secret
The tool that balances the thick anatomical parts because it allows the blood and the lymph to go up to the surface of the skin to nourish and tone it.
It is also an excellent ally for mobilizing fluids housed in large body regions and containing a lot of fat.
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