• Ebook Emotional balance

    This practical guide offers an innovative approach by combining solutions proposed by major medical trends with specific Dien Chan techniques. Through targeted care and reflex stimulations, we will address the management of emotions in a comprehensive and holistic manner.

    In this eBook, we will also explore the five elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that correspond to the energetic functions of organ-viscera pairs. By acting on these elements and their associated organs, we can specifically examine and treat each emotion.

    This booklet is designed to provide you with practical tools and innovative approaches to better manage the emotional sphere using Dien Chan techniques.

    We understand that the human body is an indivisible unit, and our care must therefore be holistic, accompanied by advice from your experiences and other disciplines you practice.

    We start by regulating the nervous system, which plays a key role in emotion management and the release of tensions accumulated in the shoulder girdle, often related to stress. In addition, we enhance the effects by stimulating the reflex zones of the involved organs.

    Western medicine considers the brain and nervous system as the main players in emotion management. We will use this knowledge to translate these insights into therapeutic gestures through Dien Chan care protocols that promote inner tranquility.

    Once stress is under control, we will approach each emotion precisely. The classification of natural phenomena into the five elements of TCM will be our guide. These elements are closely related to certain vital organs and fundamental emotions.

    By working from the face, we can directly interact with a specific emotion by rebalancing the involved organs and restoring harmony to the corresponding element. This will allow us to address somatic manifestations caused by these organic imbalances while ensuring the spread of revitalized organ energy throughout the body.

    Press the black arrow (+info) to obtain more details about this tool.
  • Therapeutic functions

    How to relax and balance our emotional sphere through Dien Chan?
    This unique approach combines knowledge from Eastern wisdom and Western medicine to help us regain relaxation and mental balance.

    Based on the overall condition of each person, we translate this knowledge into yin and yang therapeutic gestures using multireflex tools.
    Guided by the reflection diagrams projected on the face and the fixed point diagrams, we can quickly achieve deep balance and significant results.
    In other words, thanks to the bqc·points and the Dien Chan diagrams of reflexion, we are able to combine these Western and TCM indications; well-being, quality of life, consciousness.

    The Western approach focuses on calming the nervous system, while Traditional Chinese Medicine divides emotions into groups governed by energies known as the five movements: Fire, Earth, Water, Metal, and Wood.

    This booklet focuses on regulating the five emotional spheres, offering you practical tools to restore emotional balance in your daily life.

    Therapists recommend their patients to hold the Yang health ball in their hands during the session. Its texture, with small spikes, stimulates the energy needed to regain control. This exercise also acts on the 5 elements through palm reflexology.

    Moreover, by prioritising horn over plastic, the Yang health ball nº432 avoids the production of disruptive static electricity and has antiseptic properties.

    This multireflexology tool is a must-have that should always be within reach. At any time of the day, if we feel an emotional imbalance, simply touch and roll it between our fingers to quickly restore balance and improve blood microcirculation in the hands, which are reflex zones of the entire head.

  • Empower your treatment

    Even if your patient did not schedule an appointment for a specific emotional disorder, it is always interesting, through dialogue, to detect any repressed feelings. With knowledge of the relationships between elements and emotions according to TCM, we can complement the treatment of the nervous system with specific stimulations of the relevant organs.

    Don’t forget your empathic talent by encouraging your patients to take care of their mental health, avoid excesses of social media and anxiety-provoking information. Foster indulgence towards oneself and encourage the search for solutions rather than withdrawal.

  • Chan❜beauté secret

    Discover the incredible technique of natural esthetics and holistic wellbeing in the official site of Chan❜beauté.
  • Tool specifications

    Data sheet nº710.
    Made of: a lot of grey cells.
    Manufacturing: PDF eBook

    Suggested complementary Tool:

    The Little yin-yang hammer

    multireflex tool nº128

    Highly recommended for stress management, neck tension and migraines, the Little yin~yang hammer is a well rounded tool that offers fast relief.

    For students and beginners it is an alternative tool to detectors for stimulating the bqc·points on the face.

    The tools of Dien Chan

    Eco-friendly, multireflex tools are hand-crafted from natural horns from traditional farming so that no animal suffers or is bred for its antlers.

    Your instruments become authentic jewels of health thanks to the biological properties (antiseptic and antistatic) of the horn which does not disturb the cutaneous microbiota unlike the polluting plastic.
    We also use high-quality materials such as mimosa wood for medium and large handles and premium metals.

    True multireflex tools deliver fast and deep results for both health professionals and natural aesthetics.
    By reactivating the blood and lymphatic microcirculation, we rebalance the energy flow in two complementary ways:
    — The yin effects disperse, refresh and encourage the natural process of hydration.
    — Yang tools allow you to concentrate, tone, heat and dry.
    — Their actions improve the penetration index and reinforce the active ingredients of the products used thereafter.

    Much less expensive than cosmetics📌, multireflex tools are beautiful objects effective and practical in consultation as also to have them on all the time.
    We no longer count testimonies of individuals and professionals conquered in Europe and North America.

    📌 A multireflex tool is for life, while a cream only lasts a month!

    How to take care of your tools

    Instructions on the page:

  • 17€Emotional balance



Some help

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✤ By clicking on the image of the suggested complementary tool, you access its complete file.

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➤ Find all the advice from the Dien Chan experts and many protocols at multireflexology.com.
