• The Spanish book

    Discover the revolutionary original facial reflexology method called Dien Chan, and how it can transform your therapeutic approach. Dive into this book to explore an adaptable and contemporary technique that enhances energetic rebalancing and offers fast and profound results.

    Professor Bùi Quôc Châu, a pioneer in acupuncture, introduced Dien Chan in 1980, an innovative method that merges Eastern philosophical theories and Vietnamese knowledge to identify unique energy points. Through thousands of clinical verifications, he established the Dien Chan facial map of fixed points.

    Our book, evolving since 2003, gathers all the wisdom of Prof. Bùi Quôc Châu and his team, complemented by research and clinical experience accumulated over the years. From the essential principles of the method to the over 25 current reflex diagrams, this manual will guide you in studying and applying Facioterapia - Dien Chan.

    Press the black arrow (+info) to obtain more details about this tool.
  • Therapeutic functions

    Studying the different theories of Dien Chan, as well as the essential principles of the multireflexological method, allows you to use Facioterapia in a simple, free, and responsible manner.
    This work will enable you to apply the different reflex diagrams with the help of some specific tools.
    Once you have experienced the positive results of zone Facioterapia, you will feel encouraged to stimulate the precise bqc·points, achieving longer-lasting and deeper therapeutic results.

    This book will become your permanent reference manual where you can add your own notes and comments since, as you know, Dien Chan does not deny any other therapy or medicine but rather feeds on all the knowledge contributed by students and therapists.

    - Studying the different theories of Dien Chan and the principles of the multireflexological method will enable you to apply Dien Chan in a simple, free, and responsible manner.
    - Once you experience the positive results of zone, you will feel motivated to stimulate the precise bqc·points to achieve longer-lasting and deeper therapeutic results.
    - This book will become a permanent reference manual that you can customize with your own notes and comments, as Dien Chan thrives on the knowledge of students and therapists, without denying other therapies or medicines.

  • Empower your treatment

    We recommend starting with the study of the reflex diagrams to familiarize yourself with the technique. Then, use the fixed points from the Dien Chan map.
    With this book and the Faceasit app, you have an excellent starting point in hand, similar to an online course, to begin your study.

    Although this manual will provide you with solid knowledge, nothing replaces direct experience. Therefore, we encourage you to attend a course with a certified trainer from the International School of Multireflexology - Dien Chan (ISMDC) to learn gestures, nuances, and subtleties that are not always evident to the self-taught.

    Check the free dossier in Spanish about the Faceasit app.
    The course schedule in Spanish is available on the official website www.facioterapia.org.

  • Chan❜beauté secret

    La agenda de cursos en lengua española esta disponible en web oficial de la www.facioterapia.org.
    Índice del libro disponible en formato PDF en libro.facioterapia.org.

    Discover the incredible technique of natural esthetics and holistic wellbeing in the official site of Chan❜beauté.

    Dien Chan Spanish book

  • Tool specifications

    Data sheet nº750.
    Size: 16 x 22,5 x 1,2 cm | Weight: 315 grs.
    Made of: white paper and soft cover in colors.
    Manufacturing: offset printing of high quality.

    Suggested complementary Tool:

    The Diagrams MiniBook

    multireflex tool nº751

    A valuable Dien Chan resource with colour diagrams of reflection.
    Ideal for the therapist or for self-treatment.
    The book is availbale in English, French, Spanish and Italian.

    The tools of Dien Chan

    Eco-friendly, multireflex tools are hand-crafted from natural horns from traditional farming so that no animal suffers or is bred for its antlers.

    Your instruments become authentic jewels of health thanks to the biological properties (antiseptic and antistatic) of the horn which does not disturb the cutaneous microbiota unlike the polluting plastic.
    We also use high-quality materials such as mimosa wood for medium and large handles and premium metals.

    True multireflex tools deliver fast and deep results for both health professionals and natural aesthetics.
    By reactivating the blood and lymphatic microcirculation, we rebalance the energy flow in two complementary ways:
    — The yin effects disperse, refresh and encourage the natural process of hydration.
    — Yang tools allow you to concentrate, tone, heat and dry.
    — Their actions improve the penetration index and reinforce the active ingredients of the products used thereafter.

    Much less expensive than cosmetics📌, multireflex tools are beautiful objects effective and practical in consultation as also to have them on all the time.
    We no longer count testimonies of individuals and professionals conquered in Europe and North America.

    📌 A multireflex tool is for life, while a cream only lasts a month!

    How to take care of your tools

    Instructions on the page:

  • 18.90$Spanish book



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➤ Find all the advice from the Dien Chan experts and many protocols at multireflexology.com.
