The paperback book in English
The complete course book of Multireflexology - Dien Chan (190 pages).
Dien Chan, or face reflexology, of Pr Bùi Quôc Châu connects the scientific western logic and the rationality to the oriental philosophies. It defines the multiréflexology network, located primarily on the face. Through simple stimulation of the reflex zones and points of the face (without the need of needles) you can achieve effective and immediate results in the treatment of a variety of conditions and ailments.
Also available on AppleStore (iBook DienChan.co.uk). -
Therapeutic functions
Dien Chan has over 15 000 specialists in 35 countries with over 4 million people in Vietnam (many in humaitarian efforts following the Vietnam War) Dien Chan has been recognized as a public health treatment option in Central America. The Academy of Traditonal Chinese Medicine (Beijing) recognized Dien Chan as a quality therapy offering immediate results for patients. In Germany, the Albert-Schweitzer-Haus centre awarded «Diploma of Recognition» to Professor Châu for his contribution to the world’s health.
Empower your treatment
The book provides the necessary steps to self-care in order to relieve pain without the need to take synthetic medicine. The goal is to improve quality of life of our family and patients.
Dien Chan offers excellent results in the treatment of neurological, dermatological, digestive, circulatory, genito-urinary disorders, rhumatologiques, and metabolic disorders. It also provides a solution to muscular problems, cramps, low-back pain, as well as headaches, insomnia and anxiety. -
Chan❜beauté secret
The book provides the necessary steps to self-care in order to relieve pain without the need to take synthetic medicine. The goal is to improve quality of life of our family and patients.
Dien Chan offers excellent results in the treatment of neurological, dermatological, digestive, circulatory, genito-urinary disorders, rhumatologiques, and metabolic disorders. It also provides a solution to muscular problems, cramps, low-back pain, as well as headaches, insomnia and anxiety.
- 18.90$paperback book in English